Patrick Policelli (Business Development Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Commercial Supply & OEM – Life Sciences Solutions Group): Life Technologies Corporation (LTC) looks forward and is pleased to continue supporting the successful market deployment of TBD’s TruNAV and CyBIS technology.
Sally Allain, MSc, MBA (Head, JLABS Washington, DC, Johnson & Johnson Innovation) JLABS invites emerging companies to join JLABS based on the following criteria: compelling and credible science and/or technology; potential to meet an area of significant medical or market need; and the quality of the team. Using these criteria, True Bearing Diagnostics was selected to join and has the full support of JLABS for accomplishing their goals.
Dr. Chad A Hoyt, MD, FACC, FRCPE (Executive Director of Clinical Growth & Outreach, UVA Health System, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine): the Emergency Department at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center is eager to engage in the forthcoming multi-center FDA clearance NATURAL Trial to further assess the efficacy and accuracy of the TruNAV diagnostic tool.
Dr. Elaise Hill, M.D. (Children’s National Hospital, Washington DC): Poorly differentiated abdominal pain is a major problem in young adults and a common cause of presentation to our Emergency Department at Children’s National Medical Center. The NATURAL Study is very much aligned with our clinical and research priorities and we are excited to be a part of it…We can certainly foresee how the TruNAV test could be used in children and young adults where there is an ongoing confusion in determining the underlying etiology for their symptoms. In patients that are likely to be discharged with an inconclusive diagnosis, we would be very interested in ordering a TruNAV test to help direct their post-ED care, to help determine whether an infection is involved or not.
Dr. Heather Gordish-Dressman (Associate Professor of Pediatrics, George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Center of Translational Research): It would be a pleasure to work with you on The NATURAL Study to examine the TruNAV RNA biomarkers as a diagnostic test for intra-abdominal infections. I am very familiar with the design and statistical parameter to be used, and I will be happy to support this important effort to improve the diagnosis of abdominal infections.
Dr. Andrew C. Meltzer, MD MS (Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Chief, Clinical Research Section, GWU School of Medicine & Health Sciences): utilization of mRNA as a biomarker represents a pioneering approach with the potential to revolutionize the field of diagnostics. By harnessing the power of molecular biology, your team has the opportunity to develop a test that not only enhances diagnostic accuracy but also streamlines clinical decision-making in the emergency setting.